Thursday, 31 December 2009
How is your 2 weeks holiday?
Enjoy these festive seasons?
If you have been missing KCC ever since AGM, great news!!!
The next session will be...
Date: Monday, 11th January 2010
Time: 6.30pm - 8PM
Venue: LT79
Due to NP Open House, we decided to hold our next session on the second week.
For those who sign up to help out at the open house, you might want to check your email frequently these few days
It is going to be another funfilled session.
See you guys soon.
Sunday, 13 December 2009
A very big thank you to those who came for the AGM session.
Time passed by fast and it is already the mid of december. Time for common test, CHRISTMAS and NEW YEAR!!! There will be no session during this holiday as it is the festive season and you guys are out there celebrating, therefore our next session will be in January, more details will be up here soon. Meanwhile, do visit the forum often.
All the best for your common test.
Wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
See you next year!!!
Greetings from
PS. hope those who went Seoul'd Out Concert enjoy themselves to the max.
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
As mentioned earlier, the upcoming session will be our Annual General Meeting (AGM).
Here's your chance to get to say what you want for the club next year, so don't miss it!
Bonus CCA point(s) will be awarded to regular members for this exclusive occasion ^^
Date: Monday, 7th December 2009
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: LT79
Hope to see loads of you turn up!
Saturday, 21 November 2009
23rd Nov Session
This is will be the last KCC session of the term before AGM so do come down!
We'll be screening a certain popular Korean variety show :)
Date: Monday, 23rd November 2009
Time: 6.30pm - 9pm*
Venue: LT79
*show is slightly more 2 hours long, but you'll be free to leave by 8.30pm
See you there!
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
A big thank you for all who came for the committee interview yesterday.
The response was better than expected and the committee is having a hard time choosing the best of the best!
Kudos for the committee for their time and effort too =) You guys are great.
Results will be out during our AGM.
Meanwhile, look out for the next session details, its going to be another fun one again!
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Committee Recruitment
The much anticipated Committee Recruitment Interview is finally here!
We welcome all interested members who are in year one currently to come on down for a short interview by the current committee members.
This interview is just for us to get to know more about you, no stress!
For year two and three students who are interested in assisting the club, we regret to inform that we are unable to open our positions to you. Alternatively, you can highlight your interest to us during subsequent sessions so you'll be on our priority list when we have opportunities like booth tending or camp helpers!
Date: Monday, 16th November 2009
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: LT79
Check back for more details!
Meanwhile, hope it was a good feast for all during the previous session and I would like to take this opportunity to thank those who came for our camp and international bazaar.
Friday, 6 November 2009
9th Nov Session
We'll be resuming normality for our session this coming Monday. Look forward to the usual language, cultural presentation and Kpop sharing!
Date: Monday, 9th November 2009
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: LT79
Be there, unwind and loosen up (call it the KCC therapy).
P.S.: Some really exciting news will be announced during the session, so if you know what you should do if you don't want to miss out ;)
Monday, 26 October 2009
Remembered the KPop Concert last year with artistes like Wonder Girls? This time, there will be another concert with our favourite hallyu stars again. Check out the following poster or visit for more details
Date: 12th December 2009
Time: 5:30pm- 10:00pm
Venue: Fort Canning Park
Other than the concert, there will be other fun activities.
Monday, 19 October 2009
I know you've been waiting for this, so here it is- details of the first session of KCC for the new semester! (can't wait~)
Date: Monday, 26th October 2009
Time: 6.30pm - 8.30pm
Venue: LT79
I know school's tough, so hopefully this piece of (good) news will be enough to get you through the rest of the week ;)
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
School's starting soon so here's a little something for quick revision (of Korean customs, of course)
It's a widget from the Korean Tourism Organisation website featuring übercute animations of Korean customs. So if you've got a blog/website/myspace somewhere, you might want to install this widget. What other way to spread the Korean love right?
Monday, 21 September 2009
28th Sept Movie Screening
We'll be having a movie screening for our customary holiday session.
Details are as follow:
Date: Monday, 28th September 2009
Time: 7pm - 9pm*
Venue: LT79
*starting at 7pm instead of the usual 6pm to accommodate those who're working
No exclusive CCA point(s) for this session but it'll contribute to the coming semester's attendance.
& it's open to all students of NP, so bring your friends along too!
See you soon ^^
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
Thursday, 10 September 2009
Korean Cultural Club held another camp successfully this year! Our annual bonding camp was held on 7th to 9th September seeing various fun filled activities like treasure hunt and amazing race! We hope all campers had fun and has made new friends through this bonding event.
On behalf of the committee, a big shout out to all campers who participated: THANK YOU FOR YOUR ENTHUSIASM, this is definitely one of the most ENTHUSIASTIC & HIGH batch that we've ever seen!
Last but not least, A BIG THANK YOU to all committee for making everything possible and running so smoothly!
Our dearest Xin Rui & Yvonne were not able to join us in the camp (although they helped us BEHIND THE SCENES) due to their attachment, and looks forward to joining us on the next camp! You all too?! Let's anticipates!
Meanwhile, let's get the bonding over @ the forum going & look out for the holiday session!
Saturday, 29 August 2009
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Saturday, 18 July 2009
Korean Cultural Club sessions will come to an end this coming 27th!
What? No more KCC Sessions? No,fret not, we're having the last session for this semester; but it also marks the beginning of a new chapter; Bonding Camp and the next semester's sessions!
Details of the session are as follows:
Date: 27th July 2009
Location: LT79
Time: 6.30pm-8.30pm
Bring: Indemnity Form and Camp Fees $12(This is the final collection, & yes your interested NP friends can join!)
Session: Variety show and feedback time (Tentative)
We'll be announcing some camp details like reporting time too :)
On behalf of the committee, I hope every member enjoyed themselves at KCC and thanks all who support us throughout this semester.
KCC looks forward to seeing all of you again the next FUN FILLed semester!
See ya all! Dont miss the FINAL session for this semester!
Sunday, 12 July 2009
Location: Lt79 again!
Reporting time: 6pm on the 13/7/09
Bring: Money and Indemnity form
Session: Learning more about the trends in Korea! What trend? Join us to find out!
Just to let you guys know: We are going to move our club house to a new block at 71, Room 5.
Just to remind you guys about the camp! it is 3D 2N event from the
7th Sep 09 TO 9TH Sep 09
which is during the 2mths holiday.
FOOD will be provided! and we are staying at the Loft@94. Do come and join us and have fun.
Have a great weekend! and I'll will see you guys on Monday
[13/7/09] Shopping!
We are going to learn how to shop in Korea! Isn't that the most useful thing to know if you plan to go Korea someday? hahhah. We will also be learning colours, and some useful phrases that you will use frequently. I am sorry to nag again but you are strongly encouraged to download the slides to your com or print it out for easy referencing during the session.
Note: This session we will be using numbers again! So please download the 'Numbers' slides to your com or print it out for easy referencing. Or perhaps you have memorised it? For your information, we will be using shino-korean numbers for this session.
Download your slides here!
** Leave a comment around the forum if you have any questions or feedbacks about the Korean teaching.
PR Manager of KCC
Thursday, 2 July 2009
We are having our annual KCC Bonding Camp this coming holiday! Do use this chance to glimpse upon Loft94 as it is not easy to book. The camp is only $12.
But please do fill in the indemnity form* asap! It is very important for us- the faster we get the respond from you, the better it will be for us to process. The last day for collecting the form will be on Monday, 20th July.
This is a 3-day-2-night camp! Food will be provided and please indicate on the top right hand corner of your indemnity form a [H] or [V] if you require Halal or Vegetarian. The current committee will be using this camp to look out for potential committee recruits so we advise you to join us for this camp!
The objectives of this camp is to MAKE FRIENDS AND BOND WITH EACH OTHER!
Come join us now!
*You may download the indemnity form here
Saturday, 27 June 2009
Sunday, 21 June 2009
[29/1/09] Introducing Yourself (2)
We are going to learn how to introduce yourself further. You will learn how to tell people your birthday and your age. We will also learn abit of vocabulary that may be useful in a conversation. I am sorry to nag but you are strongly encouraged to download the slides to your com or print it out for easy referencing during the session.
Note: Please read through and familiarise yourself with previous session's slides. As I mentioned the previous session, we will be using numbers alot in subsequent sessions. Please bring along previous session's slide (Numbers) as well. It will be useful for this and subsequent sessions.
Download your slides here!
** Leave a comment around the forum if you have any questions or feedbacks about the Korean teaching.
PR Manager of KCC
Thursday, 11 June 2009
Thursday, 4 June 2009
June post
It's me again. Since it's my month (June), I get to talk more! Yay~
Well, in case some of you might be wondering, the movie screening on 1st June was our last session of the term (cues 'awww~').
But fret not, KCC will return promptly after the term break.
Meanwhile, here's a list of things for you to do during the month of June:
- Catch Blood: The Last Vampire starring the gorgeous Jeon Ji-hyun. Movie premieres 4th June in local cinemas
- Great Singapore Sale! (need i say more?) From 29th May to 26th July
- FT Island's Singapore Showcase (cues fangirl screams) on 27th June
All the best to those with assignment deadlines or common tests coming up!
We can do it! *clenches fist* 화이팅! (hwating!)
Monday, 1 June 2009
1st June
KCC welcomes June with a new look! We've adopted a cleaner, simpler, minimalistic approach to our blog layout.
The Korean character 꽃 on the banner means 'flower', and it's our unofficial theme of the month (yay~^^) There's a lot of 'flower' in Korean culture (think Boys Before Flowers, the plum blossoms in Iljimae, Korean flower cards etc.)
And I'm sure you've noticed, we've removed the imeem music player (we know how irritating it can be, especially when you forgot to mute your laptop in class/lectures and the music starts blaring out...), as well as the tagboard (there's really not much use for it now, since we have the forum).
Oh, and you need the flash player to be able to view the banner.
The font used in this site is Gulim. It's a Korean font that's used extensively in many Korean websites. You can download it here.
Feel free to post any comments, feedbacks or suggestions at the forum!
Your humble servant,
Thursday, 28 May 2009
[1/6/09] Numbers
We are going to learn how to count in korean for our next session! You are strongly encouraged to download the slides to your com or print it out for easy referencing during the session. This is very important because we will be using numbers alot in subsequent lessons.
Notice that there are romaji for this week's slides. It is because I received feedback that it's difficult to learn without romaji. However, I strongly encourage everyone to learn to read hangeul without romaji. It will help alot in learning korean.
Note: Please read through previous session's slides. I may call out someone out to recap some stuffs with us! I may prepare cookies for people who participate! =)
Download your slides here!
** Leave a comment around the forum if you have any questions or feedbacks about the Korean teaching.
PR Manager of KCC
Session 4
Feeling the exam stress pounding on your head? Do come down for our movie screening of "Speed Scandal" and have a short rest before burning the midnight oil for the exams!
Details are as follow:
- Monday, 1st June, 2009
- LT51C
- 6pm-6.30pm (Language)
- 6.30pm-8.30pm (Movie)
and Good Luck everyone.
Sunday, 24 May 2009
This is a reminder that there will be no session held at LT5A tomorrow 25th May 2009.
Members who signed up for the Kimchi making event tomorrow do report to Canteen 1 by 630pm, we would be starting punctually! Remember to bring your medium sized container for you to pack your kimchi!
The next KCC session is on 1st June 2009! All are welcome to attend!
Let's anticipate and stay tune for more updates on the session!
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
Kimchi Making Session
The much awaited Kimchi making session is finally arriving!
Details as follows:
- 25 May 2009
- 630pm-8pm (Do be punctual)
- Venue: CANTEEN 1
- $5 for all necessary ingredients. No additional costs.
We regret to inform that the Kimchi we are making is NOT HALAL.
We apologise for the late notice as we were updated by our instructor only yesterday.
However, for Muslim members who are interested, you are welcome to join us & watch the demonstration!
*Members who have signed up; do bring a medium container.
CCA points will be awarded for this session!
*Only members who signed up for this event need to turn up for this session :)
Meanwhile, members who didn't sign up with us, anticipate the NEXT session!!!
All members who have signed up and paid $5 during our Games Session are successfully registered!
Contact Yuting @8102 3209 to drop your particulars and pay $5 to secure a place now!
We regret that there are limited vacancies on a first come first serve basic available.
*Update on 23.5.09 9pm* There is very few vacancies left!
Sunday, 10 May 2009
11 May Korean Language Slides
Tomorrow, we are going to learn some daily phrases and a short conversation with someone you just met. The slides are available for download at the forum. You may download it on your com or print it.
By the way, have you practice reading korean words? It will be a great help for future lessons. =) Don't forget, practice makes perfect.
내일 봐요! (See you tomorrow!)
PR of Korean Culture Club
Monday, 4 May 2009
Session 2
It's time to get to know us better! For the 2nd session of the year, we'll be engaging with the new and present club members. For any club to be successful, every member must familiarise with one another and especially with the committee members, lest you become one! :)
We'll be having language lesson from 6.00 to 6.30pm so all those who wants to take a step closer to the Korean culture, be sure not to miss your time slot! Bring stationery, notebook e.t.c. to take down notes if need be.
After which we'll be having our Games Session whereby we'll get to know each other. This is so that for future sessions, we get to talk to more people! :)
Date:11/05/09, Monday
Location: Lt 5A (Near NP CO-OP)
Time: 6.00 pm -8.30 pm
- Do not miss this session as it is important to get to know the club better!
- Taking down of attendance will be done towards the end of our session, so try not to leave in the middle of our session
- Please be punctual for the Games at 6.30pm
- Please grab something to bite for dinner, if your class ends at 6.00pm!
- Only members with regular attendance get CCA points.
Ding Sheng
Sorry guys... The KCC Club Tee Submission is undergoing more discussing about it.
The submission has been cancelled. So stay tune for more stuffs next time.
Tuesday, 28 April 2009
I know that some of you are disappointed that we did not play your favourite MVs, Perf, or anything videos during the sessions
Since the kpop sharing section is a platform to share the latest kpop wave in Korea, the videos played will be base on the latest kpop scene
However, you can still request videos that you want to share among all the kpop fans to raise awareness of your favourite artistes.
Below are the list of videos that we will be able to play if u request
-Any MVs
-Any KPop Performance
-Any other KPop Videos with eng subs
Due to time constraints, we couldnt possibly play all the requested videos, therefore choice of videos to be played depends on the
-availability of the particular video
-the demand of the particular video
-the length of the particular video
i will collate the requests on the saturday before the session
so to make sure that your videos will be shown ASAP,
request by the saturday before the fortnightly session!!!
perhaps u could leave ur msn so that i can contact you for the source of the videos
so start requesting now, and your desired videos will be played on the next session.
With much love,
Saturday, 25 April 2009
Our much anticipated first session for the new semester will be doing a kick start on 27 April 2009!
Details are as follow:
- Monday, 27th April, 2009
- LT5A (near NP CO-OP of BLOCK 5)
- 6.30pm-8.30pm
P.S.: CCA points are awarded only to regular members.
9229 1729
Sunday, 19 April 2009
To all students and freshmen of Ngee Ann Polytechnic (NP)
Come down to the NP CCA Fiesta and visit the Korean Cultural Club booth!~
- 20th & 21st April
- 9am-6pm
- NP Convention Centre
- Table No. 63
We'll also be having a performance item put up, so do watch for that!
See you there!~ ^^
Monday, 13 April 2009
Sorry Sorry MTV Dance Class for current members, new members and committee
Saturday, 28 March 2009
Annyeong Haseyo Guys!
If you can dance! or sing! and interested in performing on stage! Come and Join us for our CCA fest as we are preforming and singing to spread the Korean Wave to everyone!
If you are interested and keen. Do give me your e-mail! (
PS: Even if you cant sing or dance, fret not! as Ding Sheng will be teaching the dance move during the month, hence there is enough of time to practice.
Friday, 27 March 2009
CCA Fiesta is coming right up when school kicks in and we'll be welcoming our freshies and new members!
As such, Korean Cultural Club would like to invite any interested members keen on performing during the event, be it sing or dance to leave us your contact now!
Songs or music can be of your choice,just need to be Korean haha.
Further stage and events details will be dessiminated to you individually.
P.S: Attractive CCA points will be awarded! or
Thursday, 19 March 2009
Holiday Movie Screening
We're finally having a movie screening session, to ward off any KCC withdrawal syndrome!
Date: 27th March 2009
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: LT5A
CCA points will be awarded!
PS: prospective members and freshies, we're taking part in the cca fiesta, do please swing by and check us out! =D
Events Head
Thursday, 12 March 2009
I have just received an email from BigBang Singapore of this wonderful 4D3N trip to Korea.
Thought of sharing it, so those who wants to enjoy holiday before going back to school, maybe you will like to check this out.
Dear Hallyu Fans
Here is a once in a lifetime chance to watch Rain, Big Bang, Super Junior and Shin Hye Sung perform altogether! The 4D/3N includes a A-Grade seat ticket to the "2009 7th Family Concert" plus your chance to SHOP TILL YOU DROP IN SEOUL in view of the favourable Korean Won exchange rates now.
Tour package price starts from S$970.00. Please refer to attached for detailed information.
Details of concert:
Date & Times : Saturday, 18 April 2009 (7pm - 9pm)
Venue : Seoul Olympic Park, Gymnastics Complex (around 10,000 capacity)
There are 3 departures - 15, 16, 17 April 2009.
Seats are limited! Book now to avoid disappointment!! For enquiries and bookings, contact
1 Goldhill Plaza(Podium) #01-39/43Singapore 308899
Tel : +65 6222 4501
Office Hours:Monday - Friday : 9.00am - 6.00pm
Saturday:09.00am-3.00pmSunday / Public Holiday : closed
Thank you.
Yours sincerelyKTO Singapore
Day 01 SINGAPORE-SEOUL15 APR 09 Assemble at Changi International Airport two hours before flight departure for checkin formality. Then off to Seoul, South Korea.
Day 02 SEOUL-MT. SORAK (L/D)16 APR 09 On arrival at Incheon International Airport meet and greet by Hanatour guide andtransfer to Nami Island. Thanks mainly to Hallyu, the explosive popularity of Koreanpop culture, but in particular the legendary success of the hit television drama “WinterSonata,” Korea's Namisum (Nami Island) has made a prominent mark on the map ofpopular tourist destinations here. Thereafter, continue journey to Mt. Sorak, The park is spread across 4 cities andcounties: Sokcho, Inje, Goseong and Yangyang. The highest peak is Daecheongbong; to the east is OeSeorak and to the west is NaeSeorak, which is divided again into North NaeSeorak and South NaeSeorak. North NaeSeorak is composed of Bukcheon, which flows to Ingyecheon and Baekdamcheon.After checking in at the Seorak Hanhwa Condominium, we gathered some showeritems and swimsuit and went straight to Seorak Waterpia, which is an annexed facilityof the Hanhwa Condominium. Seorak Waterpia has various hot spring baths withnumerous other amenities to enjoy, so it is a great place to have fun and give a wearybody a healthy treat. Overnight at Hanwha Resort or similar
Day 03 MT. SORAK-EVERLAND-SEOUL (B/L/D)17 APR 09 After breakfast, we explored the Gwongeumseong Fortress course, which isaccessible by cable car. The ride on the cable car takes about 6 minutes. Then, wewalked for about 20 minutes and reached the summit of Gwongeumseong Fortress.This is a rocky peak from which we enjoyed a great birds’ eye view of Mt. Seoraksan.Then continue to Everland Theme Park (One day ticket included) Located in Yongin, Everland is a large theme park boasting a zoo, snow sled, andbotanical garden. The park also contains three distinct themes which are FestivalWorld, Caribbean Bay, and Speedway. Festival World includes Global Fair, AmericanAdventure, Magic Land, European Adventure, and Equatorial Adventure, eachcreated with its own unique style. Caribbean Bay is the very first water park in Korea.Its main feature is the wave pool, and many people come here during the summerjust to ride the waves. Speedway is also the very first of its kind in Korea. Car racerscan practice train here while learning about automobile culture. Return to Seoul, check in hotel rest and relaxHotel: SIHEUNG TOURIST HOTEL or Similar (3 Stars)SUWON LA VIE DOR or Similar (4 Stars)
Day 04 SEOUL (B/L/D)18 APR 09 After breakfast, proceed on city sightseeing tour of Seoul visit to Cheong Wa Dae(Blue House), Folk Museum, Gyeongbok Palace, Namsan Hanok Village andCheonggyecheon. 18.00 hrs, transfer to Olympic Gymnastics Arena for the Korean Superstars Concert.Featuring: RAIN, BIG BANG, SUPER JUNIOR, & SHIN HYE SUNG Include A-Grade Seat for the concert.Hotel: HANGANG HOTEL or Similar (3 Stars)ELL LUI HOTEL or Similar (4 Stars) Day 05 SEOUL-SINGAPORE (B/L)19 APR 09 After breakfast, check out and transfer to Lotte Duty Free Shop, Amethyst Factory,Myundong and Local Supermarket.Then proceed to Incheon Airport for your flight departure back to Singapore.
Package Price:
S$970.00 Twin/Triple Share (3 Stars)S$ 80.00 Single supplement
S$1030.00 Twin/Triple Share (4 Stars)S$ 120.00 Single Supplement
DEPARTURE DATES: 15, 16, & 17 April 2009
1) Return economy GV10 L’ class fare on Korean Air and excludes airlines taxes.
2) 3 Hotel accommodations
3) Daily Breakfast
4) Other meals as specified in the itinerary
5) Sightseeing tours as specified in the itinerary
6) Entrance fees where applicable on all excursion as specified.
7) A–Grade Seat Ticket for the concert.
8) Transportation for all journeys as specified in the itinerary.
9) English and Mandarin Speaking Guide
For booking,
please contact: Brian Park or Jane Seto
HANATOUR PTE LTD1 Gold Hill Plaza (Podium) #01-39/43 Singapore 308899
Tel: 65-62224501 Fax: 65-62224507
Saturday, 28 February 2009
Annyeong Haseyo Members!
The time has finally come, our much deserved school holidays! Its time to ditch the books for a while and chill! Are you guys busying watching Korean dramas already Haha!
While our regular CCA sessions goes on a rest for now, we might be holding a session or two since some of us are having KCC withdrawal syndrome! Probably just some get together to watch a movie or something? We’ll be updating you guys here and also on the forum so do register there if you haven’t!
We’ll be gathering response feedback on having a session during the holidays, so stay tune!
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation to all members and committee who have shown support and enthusiasm in KCC. We had fun this semester right?
Let’s anticipate the upcoming with more activities like…welcoming the Freshies and the Annual Camp!
Wednesday, 4 February 2009
On behalf of the committee, Korean Cultural Club wishes all the best (hwaiting!) to our dearest members for our upcoming examinations!
We hope that everyone enjoyed the movie and look forward to more from us!
Our club will resume with activities after the exams, so stay tune!
Meanwhile, study hard and register and check out our forum at Korean Cultural Club Forum.
Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Annyeong Haseyo!
Hope everyone had a GREAT LONG holiday!
The next session will be.....
and we'll be revealing some of our upcoming club highlights!
Come on down to join us and hear more details!
Remember to stay till to the end of the movie to take down your attendance to get your CCA points!
Can't wait to get it started again!
See you!
Edited: Ziwei & Ding Sheng
Saturday, 24 January 2009
Is anyone interested in a dance workshop? It will be HOT! SEXY! FUNKY! and will be subisdised too(amount is not confirm). For more details, ask Priscilla and we are limiting it to 2 persons. SO! dont wait! dont procrastinate! drag your friends and sign up with Priscilla now.
MSN email:
EVERYONE!! please in stay tune or tune yourselve to our blog for the upcoming forum.....
Friday, 16 January 2009
2nd session of 2009! :)
Date: 19 January 2009
Venue: LT73A
Time: 6.30pm-830pm
p.s:Only members with regular attendances are awarded CCA points
See you! We all cant wait to meet you!
Ding Sheng
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Annyeong Haseyo everyone
Ngee Ann Polytechnic is having open house and welcoming our freshies-to-be and visitors!
Besides the varied top courses Ngee Ann offers, check out the HAPPENNING CCAs at the atrium, and Korean Cultural Club is priviledged to be chosen among over 100 CCAs to be part of the CCAs on display!
Wanna find out more about us? Check us out at our booth! We're having our CCA photos displayed,alongside various Kpop artistes!
Date: 8-10 Jan 09
Venue: NP Atrium (Located near Performing Stage)
Time: 11am-6pm